
Do you straighten your hair everyday?
I would like to deny but yes, I do it everyday before class

Would you rather have no toes or no fingers?
this is tough..hmm..i chose to have no toes

Is there something you should be doing rather than taking this survey?
yes! how did you know? :O

Are you listening to a certain song?
I was

How many glasses of water do you drink in a day?

How did you do on your last exam?

Do you wear contacts or glasses?
glasses but sometimes i wear contacts

Are you really loud?
not really

When was the last time your nose bled?
hmm...i guess it was 2 years ago...or was it last year?

Are you a bibliophile?
what's that? (after Googled for that word) Oh...well, not really

What are you a true fanatic of?
can't think of anything

Do you recycle and reuse?

Are you xenophobic?
not exactly

Do you have any unusual phobias?
nope..only the boring one which is called Acrophobia, fyi.

What was the last thing you smelled or ate that was rancid? 
can't remember

Is it possible for one to count to infinity?
Any upcoming events you are excited for?
yes, but i dun think i would be participating it

Would you rather stay inside or go outside?

Do you have a Twitter?
yes, but i don't use it too often

Are you constantly on the computer? 
oh yes

What is your favorite band?
maroon 5/panic! at the disco

Have you ever broken a chair?

When was the last time you were belittled by a person?
a month ago?

Do you like to play Sudoku?

What is your favorite color?

Do you have any funny nicknames?
unfortunately, yes

Are you easily amused?
yes, sometimes

Do you frown a lot?
i do frown occasionally over small stuff but not so much these days

Have you ever took pictures on Photo Booth?

Did you honestly enjoy this survey?
a bit, yes


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