Hey all! Last time I post the lyric of 'One More Time - Kim Hyun Joong' song and here I want to share my cover on that song. I was bored and needed to get my mind off of something. I'm not a professional singer I just do this for fun (and I know I suck!). This is totally 100% RAW recording using my PC, that's why the quality is very2 poor. :)

p/s: I'm not Korean (obviously) so you'll notice MANY mistakes I made when I pronounce the words when I sing the song. LOL. Forgive me if I destroy the song!


Rebeka Rizan Abdullah { July 15, 2011 at 4:35 PM }
Elson..hahehehe..kau ka nyanyi oo sora kau..mcm pure korean suda.. hahehe.. :]
Elson { July 18, 2011 at 3:27 PM }
wkwkw..iya try2 kunu mo buat song cover tp x mnjadi..haha! kunu suara byk pitching sna sni pula tu kan :p bhsa korea tu juga la plg parak sia nyanyi..haha!
Rebeka Rizan Abdullah { July 22, 2011 at 2:37 PM }
HAHAHAHA! Tapi, betul2 oo mcm korea ni yg nyanyi, teda pula yang cacat saya dengar.. huhu :] Cover ba lagi lagu..hahaha Pastu uplod d utube..naa..ramai tu fan kau nnti.. :]
Elson { July 26, 2011 at 5:26 PM }
hhehe..cukup la 1 jak pun sia try2 jak..astaga nda mo simpan utube. byk urg ulu tu..haha!

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