
Morning guys. It's Sunday and it's Our Lord's Day! hurmm . . . sad to say I'm not going to the church today (and like the rest of Sunday before) . . . I feel very terrible though, for not being able to go. I admit it's my own decision for not going. Actually, I'm not really a religious person but I still have faith, I do. Sometimes I feel really sad for turning my back on God. :'(

Well, aside from that, I've heard someone predicted the End of The World will happen on the 21st May 2011 (yesterday) and yet it's 22nd May and nothing's changed. Truth be told, why would they go on predicting something (claiming they received a revelation from God itself) like that when Jesus told them no one will know the exact date & time of The Armageddon except only God, The Father. Apa yg dorang pikir pun sia tia tau la! For me, bagus lagi improve myself to be a good person rather than doing that stuff. Right? :D

Oh yeah, congratulations to my sister, Elysa, for her participation in Unduk Ngadau Papar 2011. Eventhough she didn't win (anduii bah kesian) but at least she was one of the top 30? Below is a picture of her wearing traditional Kadazan Papar clothing,

She looks kinda scary eh, with the makeup and all? Haha. Kidding. (Picture from David Aramaitii) Okay I think that's all for now. I'll write again if I have the mood. Kthanxbai.


Rebeka Rizan Abdullah { May 26, 2011 at 7:25 PM }
waa~ unduk ngadau mo join lah next year..LOL hahehe..btw, congrats sis kau.. [: hahehe
Elson { May 29, 2011 at 2:37 AM }
huhuhu..buli kaitu ko join? setahu sia kena larang suda kan dlm agama...alaa, syg oo, ko ada hrpn tu kalo ikut :D

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