Exam & Sabah!

OH NO!!! I'll be sitting for my exam soon! My exam is going to be on the June 17 & 22 (only 2 subjects). I hope everything goes smoothly. Oh crap! I forgot that I have to finish more than 10 drawings before this Friday! How am I going to do that? :'( . . . I'm in a lot of dip-shit!
On the bright side, I'm going back to my hometown, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah on June 22 until July 9. :) Yay (?) . . . I'm planning to go to my ex-high school, S.M All Saints to attend the big bazaar held every 4 years (?). It is going to be held on the July 2. Hope to see many familiar faces there >.< Alright! Sepa2 yg mau jumpa d' K.K masa tu, give me a call! Kthanxbai.


Rebeka Rizan Abdullah { June 7, 2011 at 1:59 PM }
Goodlcuk Elson..sa punya exam pun last 22June..hahehe.. [:
Elson { June 7, 2011 at 4:38 PM }
Ok. Thx Bie. Ko pun gudluck jg. :)
Rebeka Rizan Abdullah { June 16, 2011 at 11:51 PM }
Thnks elson.. nda kau jadi mulih sabah?
Elson { June 17, 2011 at 3:30 AM }
iya...nda jadi ni ba :( kehampaan ku yg xdak dpt dgmbrkan. (LOL) kau lpas blk Sbh ni ko blk lagi sini since ko suda abis pengajian???

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