Tuesday and Acidman.

Hurmm . . . It's Tuesday. I have already passed up the S.A.D assignment just now and I'm sooooo freakin' glad. My stress level makin sikit. Thank you God! . . . but wait, I still have assignment 2! (noooo~) but it can wait for a few days . . . I should just take a short break and relax first.

Anyway, stupid 'seberang laut'. Ada2 saja penjenayah di sini ni. It makes me disgust hearing news about this 'Acidman' guy going around splashing acid on random people's face (especially girls). Recent victim was a Chinese girl and a mother with her child. I just hope he will kena tangkap soon. (I wonder why the police still haven't catch him)

The only thing we all can do now is to pray that he will kena tangkap A.S.A.P and hope he get what he deserved! Kthanxbai.


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