Respect or Face The Consequences!

Dear S,

Please do not bring that guy into our house again. I thought we have made this clear to you last time. Mau tumpang kencing kunun . . . skali sana dia dlm bilik doing 'God-knows-what'. Cakap saja kalau dua2 horny. Please respect our decision or we will chase you out from the house. Kthanxbai.

Tuesday and Acidman.

Hurmm . . . It's Tuesday. I have already passed up the S.A.D assignment just now and I'm sooooo freakin' glad. My stress level makin sikit. Thank you God! . . . but wait, I still have assignment 2! (noooo~) but it can wait for a few days . . . I should just take a short break and relax first.

Anyway, stupid 'seberang laut'. Ada2 saja penjenayah di sini ni. It makes me disgust hearing news about this 'Acidman' guy going around splashing acid on random people's face (especially girls). Recent victim was a Chinese girl and a mother with her child. I just hope he will kena tangkap soon. (I wonder why the police still haven't catch him)

The only thing we all can do now is to pray that he will kena tangkap A.S.A.P and hope he get what he deserved! Kthanxbai.

Oily face.

Uggghh. My face is very oily right now. So the very irritating (Haha!). I'm going to shower later la. Anyway, I'm glad that my class has been cancelled today at 8 pm! Who would've thought? LOL. At last, I finished my layout plan and front elevation drawing of the bus stop that I've been working on last few weeks. I only use Microsoft Word to do it. Wkwkwk. How lazy!
Speaking about drawing, I still have to do my other drawing of different subject. This one is quite complicated since it needs to be drawn on A1 size. Hmmm . . . bila la mo siap tu drawing??? I want to buy a bigger table so that my drawing tidak cincai2 and jadi buruk sana. Apa-apa pun, I want to go and have my dinner after this then jumpa my kuliah-mate to take assignment draft from her. That draft is going to be my life-saver :D! Arghh. Pening already. Ok la. Till’ then. Kthanxbai.

P/S: That's how oily my face right now (except I'm not blonde and I'm male) below ,  -__-”


Morning guys. It's Sunday and it's Our Lord's Day! hurmm . . . sad to say I'm not going to the church today (and like the rest of Sunday before) . . . I feel very terrible though, for not being able to go. I admit it's my own decision for not going. Actually, I'm not really a religious person but I still have faith, I do. Sometimes I feel really sad for turning my back on God. :'(

Well, aside from that, I've heard someone predicted the End of The World will happen on the 21st May 2011 (yesterday) and yet it's 22nd May and nothing's changed. Truth be told, why would they go on predicting something (claiming they received a revelation from God itself) like that when Jesus told them no one will know the exact date & time of The Armageddon except only God, The Father. Apa yg dorang pikir pun sia tia tau la! For me, bagus lagi improve myself to be a good person rather than doing that stuff. Right? :D

Oh yeah, congratulations to my sister, Elysa, for her participation in Unduk Ngadau Papar 2011. Eventhough she didn't win (anduii bah kesian) but at least she was one of the top 30? Below is a picture of her wearing traditional Kadazan Papar clothing,

She looks kinda scary eh, with the makeup and all? Haha. Kidding. (Picture from David Aramaitii) Okay I think that's all for now. I'll write again if I have the mood. Kthanxbai.

Stress this and stress that!

Haiz . . . It's hard to find a suitable skin/design for me to use on this blog. I wanna design my own but I just don't have the time bah . . . sudalah my assignment haven't finish. Aish . . . just thinking bout' my assignment makes my hair gugur! So I better pretend it's finish for now. :p

I'm in love!

I love . . . and love . . . and love . . . and love FAIRY TAIL anime. Maybe I'm overdoing this but who cares? Haha! I just can't contain myself! Bah, I go watch dulu ah. I'm currently on episode 41. You guys Google la. Malas mau crita! :p