Korean Drama Addict XD

Hiya. Today's post I'm going to tell you how I am spending my first semester break of the year 2012. Hehe. Like the rest of the population in the world, I am not afraid to admit that I'm into the Korean drama hype, watching a bunch of cheesy characters with a cliché storyline. Though, I'm not really into the old era-ish korean plot like the latest drama airing called 'The Moon That Embraces The Sun' type. More like into the 'Dream High'-ish, 'Playful Kiss'-ish, 'Wild Romance'-ish type of plot. Right now, I'm watching 3 dramas; Dream High 2 (still airing), Wild Romance (still airing) and Secret Garden (complete). There were more K-dramas I've watched before these as well but wouldn't wanna waste my time writing them all. :P

I've learned so much about Korean especially their language while watching the dramas. It's one of the benefits of watching K-drama too! I am also becoming interested in their cultures and their country (South Korea, obviously!). Aaahh~ wish I could visit there someday and become one of the actor in one of their drama. Haha! Kidding :P BTW, besides watching K-drama I'm also watching the English one as well. Well not the romance and boring one but the supernatural, mystical drama genre cuz' that's what I love. I'm currently watching 'Once Upon A Time', 'The Vampire Diaries Season 3', 'The Secret Circle' (I even downloaded the e-book of this series :P), ' Heroes S1-S4' (don't ask me why watch only now...I have my reasons :P) and ummm...I think that's about it. Stay tuned for my next update, will ya'?

*Image displayed on this post do not belong to me. I take no credits on them :)


Hiya. Sorry haven't had any update lately. I don't have time to...err...wait. Truth be told, sengaja ignored this blog...again. No time, no interest and got nothin' to say really (actually there's a lot to tell but lemme' just keep it to myself). I wanna make a post bout' Christmas and also a post on New Year last time but I figured what could I tell you guys bout' it anyway? 

Alright, I have one thing to tell though. I don't want to brag but I got an iPhone 4S. It's black and it's ugly. Kidding. Not really. I actually preferred the white one but...hey, beggars can't be choosers, right? Also I have to remind myself there's a lot of unfortunate people out there that matter more than not getting a White iPhone. *sad*

Well that's it from me. Till' the next post (if there will ever be one though). Tush!