

Welcome back, ME (yay!) How ya'll been doing? I'm doing great...super-great, actually. Why? Because I have finished my HND course last week (June)! I know..I know..it's nothing to be excite bout' but I am! So now is the start of a new venture into the world of working. But before that, training course and yadi-yadi-yada~ Many horrible and great things happened to me when I was still in college...but more to great! *wink* Thank you Lord Jesus for helping me go through with it. Praise be to God! Halleluya! :D

I'll try to update as often as possible in this blog though no promises attach. I'll write soon enough about the highlight of my life when I was still studying. See you guys soon :)

P/S: Congratulations to Spain for winning the EURO CUP 2012!