Runny Nose.

Dang, I hate when I get down with flu. My hingus balik-balik turun non-stop lagi tu and have to tarik over and over again. This is what happened when you don't take enough Vit. C and was around with sick people too much. :) Thank god I don't have fever.


Oh, the most horrible thing has happened! I got into an accident today. It was very dreadful thing for me because it was my first accident ever and I'm not the one who caused it (not that I want it to be me who caused it :p). This happened at the 'T' junction (college area) and this car hit me while I was driving on the right lane. It was supposed to be my jalan but the guy did not see me (that's what he said la pfft!). Anyway, the driver is not local (he said he is from Uzbekistan) and he said he's a freshman in college (only 2-4 months). Ironically, he also said he's a car racer? Really, you want me to believe that? Funny thing is when I was speaking (scold) to the guy my British accent terkeluar. Haha! Lepas cakap-cakap, then he offered to me USD 100 (RM290++) for me to fix my car. I said it's not going to be enough (which is true because the workshop I sent my car to demanded RM400, after discount RM50!). Then last we managed to involved his car punya owner to settle the problem and the owner was the one who recommended me the workshop for me to fix my car. Actually, my car itu pun I rent from people. Nasib baik tidak teruk the damage! Kalau tidak matila sia. Anyway, that's all for now. I don't like to reminisce on negative experience. Picture below showed something like what has happened to my car (except I was driving a Viva and it was a bit severely injured than the picture)

p/s: ignore my broken english.


It irritates me everytime when I have explained to someone over and over and over again, he/she doesn't gets it, at all! Should I speak a different language to communicate? Or should I just punch you in the face (no pun intended). I guess you're just not worth my time.

Maroon 5 - Give A Little More

Oh yeah, totally rockin' this song!!! Anyway, how are you all doing? I've been doing pretty good myself. Why? Because I have submitted my long due assignment. Hehe. However, I'm actually having a bit of a problem, but, well, let's just skip that for a while. I'll tell you guys about it if I have the mood to write about it (don't want to ruin the mood for the song above :p) I guess I'll see you guys later. Bye!