To delete or not to delete?

Hey guys. I already feel the laziness in me to write on my blog (As if anyone care to read this blog, pathetic!). I would love to spend more time on my blog, but I just don't have the time (it's not like I'm a busy person :p). Actually the truth is I thought of disposing this blog as well. Hmm, but after a long thought, I decided not to as I will give it another try. :) kthanxbai.

Exam bye-bye !!! Hello, 24-hour sleep !!!

YES!!! Finally exam's over! Now I can do whatever I want for 1 month. . .alone. . .doing nothing but sleep, eat, movie, gaming (omaigad! what a boring life I have).

How I met my Dell.

Hi again. I'm up to post my 3rd entry today. I've posted twice today and that's an improvement of how I pay slight interest on this blog of mine compared to my previous trash blog. Also, I was getting bored so I guess writing in my blog would be nice. Actually I want to share -more like showing- to you guys bout' my all-in-one desktop. I wanted to share this with you guys because it's probably one of the coolest thing my parents bought for me so far and technically, my mum's the one who bought it for me. :)

What do you guys think? Oh and it is actually a touch screen desktop and that's one of the reason I love this desktop. It is quite heavy (10 kg or so) since all the components are composed into one. The only thing I'm not satisfied with this PC is the side trim because it is grey. When this model came out, they were supposed to have 6 side trim colours to choose from and when I order this, the sale rep said it only comes in grey (Oh, sedihnya!). I would love to choose the red or blue instead of grey but it still alright though. I got this PC on September 2010 so it is still kind of new but I'm already getting used to it. If you guys want to know about the specs, Google it yourself, kay'? Kthanxbai.

Is it Halloween?

Hey, You. Is it Halloween?

Aww. We dun celebrate Halloween here in M'sia :( . . . However, the closest thing to Halloween here in M'sia is 'Chap Goh Mei' which means Hungry Ghost Festival. I like Halloween (eventhough I didn't celebrate it) because I love to see the freaky costumes that the people wear (not fetish!).

Warm welcome!

Welcome! Selamat datang! Feel free to crash here. How should I start? . . . Oh yeah, this is NOT my first time to write a blog. There were several blogs I've made before but I've decided to dispose them semua because mcm sampah bah (wah, sampai hati!). I think this blog would end up the same fate as the previous one but I hope not. Anyway there's not much to say for my 1st post only to welcome you all. God bless.